Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Menzieshill High - time to think ahead

Councillor Jimmy Black reflects on the decision to close Menzieshill High.
The debate surrounding the closure of Menzieshill High was generally mature and well argued on both sides. Perhaps the Scottish Government will overturn our decision, but I doubt it. On educational and economic grounds the decision made sense. But some of the points made by protesters made sense too.

We have had local community planning partnerships for a few years now. I would be interested to know if and when the Lochee LCPP debated the demolition of the multis and other housing, the closure and merger of schools, the town centre regeneration in Lochee High Street and the creation of the new community facility, all as part of a single, coherent plan for the area. Perhaps the decision to redevelop Harris Academy should have been part of those deliberations.

We also have a Dundee Partnership. Does the future shape of Dundee's schools and their relationship to local shops and businesses ever feature on the Partnership agenda? I hope the answer is yes, but as we move forwards we need to pay more attention to the unintended consequences of the decisions we take.

Normal practice is to demolish empty schools swiftly to avoid security costs, vandalism and fires. If the Menzieshill community wants to retain any part of the building, now is the time to start putting together projects, looking for funding and so on. There is a pool, playing fields, other facilities. I am not the local councillor and I don't know what is feasible or practical there, but I do believe in the Scottish Government's community empowerment agenda and Dundee has already begun transferring redundant council assets to the community.

Perhaps the best use would be small workshops for new businesses; or maybe new council housing, or allotments, or an urban farm. Now is the time for local people to see the potential in that site and start making plans.

If the Rev Mallinson can harness the energies unleashed in the Save Menzieshill High campaign to help create something new on the site which creates jobs and tackles poverty, then something good will have come of all this. Perhaps the young pupil who spoke so eloquently at the council about his school and his community could get involved.

Final thought... Harris Academy is an excellent school. I believe those who are worried by the new arrangements will soon be reassured by the warm welcome they will have. We will be working hard to make sure that happens.

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